[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the topic of refugees, migrants, and IDPs and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Refugees and Migrants Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. It is updated monthly. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each month's roundup to info@jadaliyya.com.]
Latest Developments
Turkey says 200 Syrian refugees returned home
Following Turkish airstrikes against Kurdish forces in northwest Syria, Turkish authorities announced that 200 Syrian refugees left Turkey for Jarablus, Syria. The Turkish government claimed that the 19 mi long territory from which they pushed the Kurdish forces acts as a safe zone for Syrian resettlement. They also claim that 295 individuals from Jarablus were moving into the new safe zone. Turkey hopes to resettle its 3.6 million Syrian refugees in the area in the near future.
Netherlands halts aid to Palestinians over family payments
The Dutch parliament voted and effectively stopped its $1.5 million in financial assistance to the Palestinian Justice Ministry. Pro-Israeli groups in the Netherlands have been advocating this policy against financial assistance to Palestine for years. The Palestinian Authority (PA) distributes financal support to the 35,000 families whose members are jailed or killed by Israeli authorities. Israel authorities deduct much of this support through taxes, which the PA considers an act of piracy. The Netherlands emphasizes that it still provides millions in aid to Palestinian refugees through European agencies and NGOs.
A new 'Sesame Street' show in Arabic aims to help refugee children
Sesame Workshop and the International Rescue Agency announced their plans to collaborate on “Ahlan Simsim” for Arab refugee children ages three through eight, which is set to air in February 2020. The International Rescue Agency emphasized that only 2% of humanitarian aid goes towards education despite that half of refugees in the world are children and the average duration of displacement is 20 years. The show will use Jad and Basma, two refugee puppets, and their goat Ma’zooza to teach children the typical Sesame Street content, but also provide socio-emotional tools to deal with trauma. “Ahlan Simsim” will be incorporated into existing childhood development curriculums in refugee camps as well as be available online.
Anti-migration deal between Italy and Libya renewed
Italy automatically renewed a deal with the Libyan Government of National Accord (GNA) to continue funding training and resources to their coastguard and detention centers. Many migrants are kept in unofficial detention camps where they are mentally and physically abused. These camps are also targets for domestic fighting. The Italian government claims that it will focus on improving conditions and increase UNHCR presence in the migrant centers. Over 20 Italian and international organizations signed an open letter to the government to revoke the deal and shut down detention centers.
UNHCR decided, after evaluating the intensity of the Libyan crisis, to extend their programs and assistance for the 40,000 refugees and asylum seekers in urban areas in Libya. The organization is planning to expand humanitarian aid outside the Gathering and Departure Facility, which opened a year ago as a temporary transit center. The facility holds more than double its 600 person capacity, and many residents have been there for months. UNHCR wants to revert the facility to its original purpose and phase out meal assistance there. People in the facility that qualify for asylum status can opt for an urban emergency assistance package. UNHCR looks at applications on an individual basis. The organization calls for the Libyan Ministry of Interior to release people in detention centers so that these humanitarian programs can support them instead.
U.S. seeks to hike fees for immigration applications and impose first-ever asylum charge
The Trump administration created a proposal for US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to impose higher fees on immigration applications, asylum applications, DACA petitions, and citizenry petitions. Should the proposal be implemented, the US will be one of four countries to have fees for asylum applications. Immigration groups argue that people have a right to seek protection without financial barriers. Analysis suggests that the move is a politicized one to reduce lower-income people of color from immigrating into the US. Acting Secretary of USCIS Ken Cuccinelli reasons that fees contribute to funding the agency, and an increase in fees is necessary to sustain its strained resources.
Reopening of Yemen's Sana'a airport for medical patients
The Saudi-led coalition recently reopened an airport in Yemen for the sick and wounded to recent treatment abroad. Since Saudi Arabia closed the airport three years ago, thousands of lives have been lost because those individuals could not access medical treatment. Yemen has also experienced blockades to humanitarian assistance and medicine in general during the conflict. The Secretary-General of the Norwegian Refugee Council applauded the decision and urges the warring parties to continue on the path towards stability so that the millions of suffering Yemeni people can begin to rebuild their lives again.
More than half a million asylum applications lodged in the EU+ so far in 2019
Data shows that over half a million asylum applications have been lodged in the EU+ in the first 9 months of 2019, up 10% from last year; the greatest number of these applications are lodged in countries with lower population size, and therefore put them under immense pressure. The recognition rate, or percentage of requests granted, is 34%, up slightly from last year. Furthermore, applications from Syria, Afghanistan, and Venezuela make up a quarter of all asylum applications in the EU+.
Deaths Rise on Central Mediterranean with Latest Lampedusa Tragedy
The shipwreck off the coast of Lampedusa, Italy resulted in the deaths of 21 of the 170 migrants who were on the ship; so far only 5 bodies have been recovered. IOM spoke to the 149 survivors of the shipwreck and found 26 of them are minors, some of whom lost their parents in the tragedy. Accounts from those rescued confirmed the violence and abuse faced by migrants in Libya, explanation for the spike in departures seen in the past few weeks.
The space between us: Feminist values and humanitarian power dynamics in research with refugees
This article from the Journal of Gender and Development explores the efficacy of current humanitarian efforts in Jordan concerning the Syrian refugee crisis. It found that the majority of international humanitarian organizations and agencies use transactional and extractive methods that do not benefit the refugees. Refugees’ self-agency helps them to rehabilitate post-conflict. The empowerment of that agency through listening to refugees’ experiences and analysis of their situation is important for humanitarian groups to understand the dynamics of the conflict and its solutions holistically. The article suggests that humanitarian groups increase the proximity of their staffers to the refugees in order to increase staffers’ understanding of the refugees’ intersectional identities as well as increase flexibility of the programs to develop this empowerment for the refugees.
Refugees and Guesthood in Turkey
This article from the Journal of Refugee Studies studies how Turkey historically and presently categorizes bodies of refugees and asylum seekers as guests in order to evade international and national humanitarian standards. The 1951 Refugee Convention established that Turkey would only recognize Europeans as refugees. The terminology of “guest” appeared in the 1980s. The trend continues in 2014 with the formalization of a temporary-protection regime that allows them to set limits on the duration of stay and protections for refugees. Because Turkey does not categorize many of these people as refugees, these programs work outside national legal jurisdiction, so the Turkish government can discriminate against refugees of Kurdish or Chechen heritage.
Analysis: US settlement move, a Palestinian leadership failure
The Trump administration formally reversed a policy set by Carter’s administration in 1978 that the United States considered Israeli settlements in Palestinian territories as a violation of international law. The decision is not shocking to the international law community, as the US administration has not usually acted or advocated for policies in line with international law concerning this conflict. The US has balanced between supporting Israel militarily and condemning its human rights violations for decades until now. The decision could open a path for Israel to expand in the West Bank and Palestinian leaders do not have much leverage with their Arab neighbors to prevent it.
Kurdistan Region of Iraq: Refugees’ Movements Restricted
Human Rights Watch claims that Iraq’s Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) has restricted the movements of Turkish Kurds since a suspected affiliate of the PKK assassinated a Turkish diplomat in Erbil earlier this year. UNHCR declared the area as a refugee camp for Turkish Kurds fleeing the Turkish-PKK conflict in 1993 and it maintains that status today. The restrictions have prevented people from working, attending school, or receiving medical treatment without documentation of the refugee’s status as an employee, student, or sickly person. Human Rights Watch found many refugees who had been rejected by security despite having proper documentation. Several working-age men have gone missing since they decided to travel south towards Iraq-controlled territory. Two women have miscarried due to denial at the security checkpoints.
Winter preparations for Syrian refugees and displaced in full swing
According to UNHCR, 3.8 million Syrian and Iraqi refugees, as well as IDPs and other displaced persons, will require additional assistance this winter in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, and Egypt. Plans for winter assistance began in September and will continue through March, and include delivering high-thermal blankets, repairing structures to be weather-proof, and providing families with seasonal cash assistance. As of the end of Octobers, 364,000 displaced persons in Iraq and Syria are being provided with winter assistance due to already low temperatures and rain.
Migrant rescue ships Ocean Viking, Alan Kurdi permitted to dock in Italy
Two migrant rescue ships docked in Sicily after being granted permission to enter the port by the Italian government; both ships were then able to offload the 121 passengers who had been on board for several days. Dozens of passengers demonstrated the need for medical assistance and had been evacuated before the rest of the group, however. Permission was granted by the mayor of Palermo, who pledged his city as a sanctuary for migrants rescued at sea.
European leaders: Stop punishing asylum seekers on the Greek islands
In an open letter to European leaders, Doctors Without Border (MSF) criticizes Europe’s deal with Turkey which has directly contributed to the dire situation faced by migrants on the Greek islands. With reports of children who self-harm and consider suicide becoming increasingly common, as well as the deaths of individuals in camps due to poor conditions, it is time for European leaders to end the tragedy that they have created. In the four years since the EU-Turkey deal was struck, the humanitarian situation has only worsened.
Italian Red Cross refugee radio show takes to the web-waves
The Italian Red Cross has recently launched a radio show on its website aiming to highlight the experiences of both refugees and host community members in Italy. Written, presented and produced by Gerald Mballe, a Red Cross cultural mediator with a refugee background, this show focuses on the ways in which the Red Cross works to bring host communities and refugees together. Their goal is to produce 50 of these web shows, all in Italian, available for anyone to listen to.
Refugee footballers score integration goals with Italian Red Cross
The Italian Red Cross has used football as a means of integrating refugees in Italy, seeing it as a natural means of connection due to the sport’s popularity around the world. It has sought to have local teams and refugee teams train and enter tournaments together, which brings the groups together. Additionally, football can provide refugees with a sense of escape during difficult times, providing a sense of normalcy.
Greek migration plans put mental health and well-being of children and young people at risk
Terre des Hommes (TDH) is calling on the Greek government to withdraw its proposed plan for dealing with refugee children, as well as to take more affirmative steps to deal with refugee minors. In particular, TDH takes issue with the proposed plan to extend “Closed Reception and Identification Centers” as well as Pre-Removal Centers, where it plans to relocate scores of refugees and children. TDH highlights reports of how detention can increase incidences of depression, and offers to work with the Greek government to reach a suitable solution. Additionally, it is calling on the government to stop refusing to classify refugee children over the age of 15 as vulnerable, which deprives 93% of refugee minors of necessary protection and services.
UNHCR -- Farming together, refugees and their hosts reap benefits
The UNHCR launched an initiative for farming that brings together both host community members and South Sudanese refugees in the northern DRC, thereby providing refugees and their families with a sense of independence. This project has seen over 300 families benefit from collaborative work on the land and selling their harvest in markets, and has resulted in deepening connections with their host community. At the same time, UNHCR highlights the need for increased funding, as only 20 percent of the DRC’s 100,000 South Sudanese refugees have benefited from the program thus far.
Briefing: How will Greece's new asylum law affect refugees?
Greece’s new asylum law is likely to only exacerbate the terrible situation for asylum seekers in the country, allowing police officers and border patrol agents to hear asylum cases in an attempt to speed up the process. This new law comes in the wake of rising nationalism and anti-migration sentiment in Greece, as migrants remain stuck on the Aegean Islands. Due to the deal between the EU and Turkey, the only hope for most migrants is to either have their asylum case recognized in Greece or be returned to Turkey. Furthermore, this new law greatly reduces migrants’ access to healthcare, and removes PTSD as a vulnerability criterium.
Grading the world on how it treats refugees
A year after the Global Compact on Refugees, the world sees a growing gap between the needs of refugees and services offered. While some countries have been leaders in welcoming and integrating refugees, most continue to withdraw from commitments to resettle refugees and leave the issue to a handful of neighboring states. Furthermore, new conflicts in areas like Venezuela have only compounded the strain on resources from protracted displacements from Syria and Iraq. The lack of services is felt most acutely by women and children, denied access to the labor market or education.
Sending Refugees Back Makes the World More Dangerous
Although the international community likes to frame waves of migration to the Western world as a “crisis,” the real crisis is in the repatriation of refugees. States have blatantly defied the international standard of non-refoulment, the principle of not returning refugees to their areas of origin without their voluntary consent, either through forced deportations or making life so miserable as to have no choice but to return home. Returning home, however, often has its own consequences as history demonstrates cases of conflict between communities who stayed home during conflict and returnees. At the same time, the other durable solutions of local integration and resettlement have helped few people and are not likely to become any more practical in the near future. As a result, the international community should begin to normalize the concept of movement and think outside the box when it comes to durable solutions for refugees and migrants.
Refugees being 'starved out' of UN facility in Tripoli
Leaked documents from the UNHCR reveal its attempts to starve migrants out of a detention center in Tripoli, including survivors of torture and bombings. According to the report, 400 migrants have been denied access to food for the past several weeks, relying on morsels snuck to them by other refugees in the center. The leaked documents also indicate that a health clinic and sanitation will continue to operate in order to preserve the reputation of UNHCR. Starving these migrants out will have dire consequences, exposing them to the potential for being recruited into an armed militia or human trafficked.
UNHCR Jordan Factsheet, November 2019
UNHCR reported that since 2016, the government has issued 159,000 work permits for Syrian refugees and provides cash transfers for 30,000 families to provide for essential needs out of the six and a half million Syrian refugees in the country. Almost all the Syrian refugees are registered using iris scanning biometrics, which they use to accomplish daily tasks like accessing grocery stores, and can self-renew their registration as an effort for autonomy over their personal data. UNHCR coordinates and supports many humanitarian groups in a collective private and public effort to aid the refugees. It is aiding the Jordanian government in establishing its new Jordan Response Plan 2020-2022 that will align national and UNHCR programs together in order to respond most effectively to the problem.
Mediterranean Migrant Arrivals Reach 95,600 in 2019; Deaths Reach 1,091
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) reported that 79% of the regional total of refugees landed in Spain and Greece. Arrivals from Greece are 84% larger than during 2018, and immigration to Spain is decreasing. Although IOM documented 2,866 deaths during the migration efforts, the number is most likely higher due to the challenges of collecting information. However, migrant deaths in the Americas continue to be the highest in the world.
Euro-Med Monitor concerned by France’s new policies targeting refugees and migrants
Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor reported that France plans to impose quotas on foreign workers and limit healthcare services to asylum seekers and refugees. Asylum seekers will have to wait three months before applying for healthcare, and illegal residents will not receive any services. Euro-Med Monitor claims that the rise of populism in European against immigrants fuels these policies and that refugees and asylum seekers will suffer because of them.
Displacement and Despair: The Turkish Invasion of Northeast Syria
Refugee International reports on the humanitarian effects of Turkey’s Operation Spring Peace in Kurdish-controlled Syria. Erdoğan plans to resettle one to two million Syrian refugees in the newly Turkish-controlled territory that he hopes will run 300 miles along the border and 20 miles deep. Prior to the attack, 1.3 million displaced people already lived in northeast Syria. Since the attack, 215,000 Syrians of the 2 million already living in the region have been displaced. IDP flows have begun to stabilize in the region. Only a handful of international humanitarian organizations continue to operate in the region, and some local groups have risen to fill a portion of the need. About 14,000 refugees, 75% of whom are women and children, have fled the area to Iraq for asylum.
France Slammed Over Treatment of Migrant Children
A report from the French Ombudsman exposed the horrors faced by unaccompanied migrant children in France, the majority of whom are denied fundamental human rights. Children face the real possibility of being falsely labeled as adults, thereby denying them access to education and shelter; even those who are recognized as children are systematically denied access to these services. Furthermore, there are reports of these children being forced back over the French-Italian border. Overall, the French system takes a skeptical view of all children claiming asylum, rather than a humanitarian one.
How Do Migrants Participate Politically within Restrictive Contexts?
This study looked at how migrants can participate in political and civic life in their host communities, especially when formal citizenship is difficult to acquire. Using Italy as an example due to its particularly restrictive citizenship process, this study found that migrants feel a sense of duty to their countries, newcomers from their country, and their host community which drives them to find ways to participate politically in an informal sense. These usually take the form of community organizations centered around migrants, most of which begin small and informally and eventually grow into something larger.
World Migration Report 2020 Launched
IOM has launched the tenth edition of its World Migration Report, its effort to provide factual, well-researched information on migration. This report covers issues like environmental change, migration of minors, and the contributions made by migrants to their host communities. IOM highlights the need for such a publication in an era where migration is becoming increasingly politicized and mysticized. Furthermore, this is the first of such publications to be made available in a digital-only format, in keeping with environmental concerns.
EU countries warned of 'lost generation' of young refugees
The Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has identified several challenges for the integration of refugees aged 16 to 24 into European society, creating the risk for a “lost generation.” The report highlighted how young people can be forced to remain homeless whilst their application is processed, a period that can last several months. Additionally, it emphasized the psychological state of often-traumatized young refugees and called on the increased provision of mental health services. The report also took the time to praise several positive initiatives, including an app in Germany meant to provide young refugees with answers on life in the country and Sweden’s initiative to make 25% of housing available to international protection services.
الاممالمتحدةستنظرفيخطةأردوغانلنقللاجئينسوريينإلى "منطقةآمنة"
أبلغ الامين العام للامم المتحدة انطونيو غوتيريش الرئيس التركي رجب طيب إردوغان ان المنظمة الاممية ستنظر في خطة تركية تهدف الى نقل قسم من اللاجئين السوريين الموجودين في البلاد الى "منطقة آمنة" في سوريا.
أعلنت وزارة الداخلية التونسية إيقاف لاجئين سوريين على حدودها وتحويلهم إلى القضاء المختص، كانوا قادمين من الجزائر المجاورة لأراضيها.
“رايتسووتش”: المنطقةالآمنةالتيأقامتهاتركيافيشمالسورية”لنتكونآمنة”
كشفت منظمة “هيومن رايتس ووتش”، اليوم الأربعاء، وقوع إعدامات وانتهاكات ومصادرة منازل في مناطق واسعة تسيطر عليها تركيا في شمال سورية قالت أنقرة إنها تريد إعادة لاجئين سوريين إليها.
تتعالى دعوات في ألمانيا من حين لآخر تطالب بإعادة النظر في حظر ترحيل اللاجئين السوريين إلى بلدهم خصوصا المتورطين منهم في أعمال إجرامية أو الذين يشكلون خطرا على الأمن، غير أن جدلا يدور حول مدى ملاءمة الوضع الأمني في سوريا.
لبنان.. عونينتقدبياناللاتحادالأوروبيبشأناللاجئينالسوريين
انتقد الرئيس اللبناني ميشال عون بيانا أصدره الاتحاد الأوروبي دعا فيه إلى ضرورة تأمين اندماج اللاجئين السوريين على المدى الطويل بطريقة متماسكة مع المجتمعات المضيفة لهم.
إحصائيةصادمة.. مصرتسلملاجئينسوريينلحكومةبشار
وبحسب إحصاءات منظمة العفو الدولية ومنظمة هيومن رايتس ووتس فقد تم ترحيل 192 فعليا إلى سوريا.وأفادت الإحصائية أيضا أن 82 شخصا مهددون بالترحيل الفعلي، ويقع 1519 شخصا آخرين تحت مظلة الترحيل.
مقتل 3 سوريينبغاراتروسيةعلىتجمعللنازحينفيإدلب
قتل ثلاثة مدنيين سوريين في غارات جوية روسية على تجمع للنازحين بأطراف بلدة سراقب الشمالية في محافظة إدلب. وقال المرصد السوري لحقوق الإنسان، إن عدد القتلى مرشح للارتفاع لوجود جرحى بعضهم في حالات خطرة.
الموتيلاحقالنازحينالسوريينحتىفيالمخيمات "الآمنة"
حصدت ضربة صاروخية نفذتها قوات النظام، وفق المرصد السوري لحقوق الإنسان، حياة 16 مدنياً بينهم ثمانية أطفال وست نساء من عائلات تقيم في مخيم للنازحين في قرية قاح في محافظة إدلب.
98 مليونيورو.. مساعداتأوروبيةللاجئينالسوريينفيالأردن
أعلنت الحكومة الأردنية اليوم عن تبني الاتحاد الأوروبي لحزمة جديدة من المساعدات بقيمة 98 مليون يورو لدعم اللاجئين والمجتمعات المضيفة في الأردن من خلال الصندوق الائتماني الإقليمي للاتحاد الأوروبي استجابة للأزمة السورية.
عادت حوالي 71 عائلة من اللاجئين السوريين الذين يعيشون في لبنان إلى وطنها في إطار العودة الطوعية التي ينظمها الأمن العام اللبناني بحسب مصادر إعلامية لبنانية. وكان نحو 900آلف سوري قد فروا إلى لبنان منذ اندلاع الحرب في سوريا قبل ثمان سنوات، يعيش معظمهم في ظروف صعبة.
فإذا كانت هذه معاناة اللبناني، ابن البلد، الذي يتمتع بكافة الحقوق السياسية والاجتماعية والاقتصادية والقانونية، وبالرعاية الصحية والضمان الاجتماعي؛ فكيف باللاجئ الفلسطيني في هذا البلد، الذي كان يعيش أصلاً في أوضاع بائسة، قبل اندلاع الأزمة وتفجُّر الحراك الشعبي.
الأردن: أزمة "أونروا" تفاقممعاناةالفلسطينيين
ييعيش اللاجئون الفلسطينيون في الأردن حالة من القلق، في ظل تراجع خدمات وكالة الأمم المتحدة لإغاثة وتشغيل اللاجئين الفلسطينيين "أونروا"، خاصة في ظل إعلانها مؤخرا أنها تواجه أسواء أزمة مالية منذ نشأتها.
8 لاجئينفلسطينييناستشهدواخلالأكتوبربسورية
أعلن فريق الرصد والتوثيق في مجموعة العمل من أجل فلسطينيي سورية أن 8 لاجئين فلسطينيين سوريين استشهدوا خلال تشرين الأول/ أكتوبر 2019 بينهم 3 أشخاص تحت التعذيب في سجون ومعتقلات النظام السوري.
“البرج”.. فيلمعنمعاناةاللاجئينالفلسطينيينيفتتحمهرجانالجزائرللسينما- (فيديو)
ويسلط فيلم “البرج” (إنتاج 2018)، الضوء على الجانب الإنساني من حياة ومعاناة اللاجئين الفلسطينيين في ظل المنفى والاغتراب جراء الاحتلال الإسرائيلي.
أعلن لاجئون فلسطينيون في العراق نيتهم تنفيذ خطوات احتجاجية ضد المفوضية السامية لشؤون اللاجئين التابعة للأمم المتحدة، "لعدم استجابتها لمطالبهم المشروعة، التي يتمتع بها كل اللاجئين في العالم من إعادة توطين ومساعدات مادية وغذائية شهرية لحين إيجاد مكان آمن لهم".
وتبلغ حصيلة المعتقلين الفلسطينيين الإجمالية في السجون السورية (1769) منذ بداية الأزمة السورية، في حين، قضى أكثر من 600 تحت التعذيب، بينما تتكتم الأجهزة الأمن السورية على مصير أكثر من (108) معتقلات فلسطينيات.
شددت قيادة الأمن الوطني الفلسطيني في لبنان، على أهمية ضبط الأوضاع الأمنية داخل مخيمات اللاجئين الفلسطينيين بالتعاون والتنسيق مع السلطات اللبنانية.
إنفوغرافيك... إقليمكردستانالعراقيستقبلأكثرمنربعمليونلاجئسوري
فرّ آلاف السوريين من بلادهم باتجاه إقليم كردستان العراق، منذ بدء تركيا عملية «نبع السلام» واجتياحها مع فصائل سورية موالية أجزاء من الشمال السوري. ووصلت أعداد النازحين إلى 275 ألفاً بحسب تقديرات، كثير منهم أكراد أقاموا في الشمال السوري قبل الاجتياح التركي.
كردستانالعراق: قيودعلىتنقلاللاجئين
قالت "هيومن رايتس ووتش" اليوم إن قوّات أمن حكومة إقليم كردستان العراق فرضت قيودا تعسفية على أغلب سكان مخيّم مخمور للاجئي أكراد تركيا منذ منتصف يوليو/تموز 2019.
نيويوركتايمز: إدارةترمبتضيقعلى "المتعاونينالعراقيين" خلالالغزو
قالت صحيفة نيويورك تايمز إن إدارة الرئيس الأمريكي دونالد ترمب ترفض استقبال عشرات الآلاف من العراقيين ممن تعاونوا مع القوات الأمريكية خلال غزو العراق وبعده.
"لغيابمترجمين".. اليونانترفضطلباتلجوء 28 مهاجراإفريقيا
منظمات حقوقية قالت إن قرار الرفض مخالف للقوانين الأوروبية، وسيعرض اليونان إلى مخاطر مواجهة إدانة المحاكم الأوروبية والدولية
وفاة 58 مهاجراً بعدغرقسفينتهمقبالةساحلموريتانيا
قالت وكالة الهجرة التابعة للأمم المتحدة إن ما يصل إلى 58 شخصا لقوا حتفهم بعد غرق سفينة من غامبيا قبالة ساحل موريتاني وعلى متنها نحو 150 مهاجرا. وأضافت المنظمة في بيان أن 83 شخصاً كانوا على متن القارب نجحوا في الوصول إلى الشاطئ عبر السباحة، علماً أن هذا القارب انطلق من غامبيا في 27 نوفمبر (تشرين الثاني).
إيطالياتمنعرسوسفينةإنقاذإسبانيةعلىمتنها 73 مهاجراأفريقيا
قال رئيس بعثة إنقاذ إسبانية إن السلطات الإيطالية رفضت السماح بدخول سفينتها أوبن آرمز إلى أحد موانئ البلاد لتستمر محنة السفينة التي تقطعت بها السبل في ظروف صعبة بالبحر المتوسط وعلى متنها ما يزيد على 70 مهاجرا أفريقيا.
شاحنةتحملنحو 50 مهاجراأفريقيااقتحمتالمعبرالحدوديبينالمغربوسبتة
شاحنة صغيرة تحمل نحو 50 مهاجرا أفريقيا اخترقت السياج الحدودي بين المغرب وجيب سبتة الإسباني. الشرطة الإسبانية اعتقلت سائق الشاحنة، في حين تم تقديم المساعدة الطبية للمهاجرين الذين أصيبوا جراء الاصطدام.
مصرع 5 مهاجرين قبالة سواحل جزيرة "لانزاروتي"
مصرع 5 مهاجرينقبالةسواحلجزيرة "لانزاروتي"
لقي خمسة مهاجرين مصرعهم وفقد ستة آخرون بعد غرق مركبهم قبالة سواحل جزيرة لانزاروتي الإسبانية بسبب أمواج عاتية، كما أعلنت السلطات.وقالت الإدارة المحلية للجزيرة التي تشكل جزءا من أرخبيل الكناري قبالة سواحل المغرب، في بيان، إن "رجال الإطفاء عثروا على جثث خمسة أشخاص رغم الصعوبات الناجمة عن أمواج عاتية أدت إلى انقلاب المركب".
تقريريكشفجانبامرعباعنمركزالمهاجرينفيليبيا.. ومغربيمحتجز: “مرحبافيجهنم”
نقلت صحيفة “أوبزيرفر” البريطانية، تقريرا يرسم صورة مرعبة عن مركز مكافحة الهجرة غير الشرعية في العاصمة الليبية طرابلس، حيث لايزال عدد من المغاربة محتجزين، بعدما أوقفتهم البحرية الليبية في عرض المتوسط، أثناء محاولتهم الهجرة سرا إلى إيطاليا.
يستقبل اليمنيون اليوم العالمي للطفل الذي يوافق 20 نوفمبر/تشرين الثاني من كل عام، بالتزامن مع دخول فصل الشتاء الذي تتضاعف فيه معاناة النازحين، خاصة من الأطفال في المناطق اليمنية المعروفة بالبرد الشديد شتاء.
اليمن: ملايينالأشخاصمنذويالإعاقةيتعرضونللتجاهلوالخذلانبسببالحربوالإقصاء
قالت منظمة العفو الدولية اليوم إن ملايين الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة في اليمن قد تحمَّلوا سنوات من النزاع المسلح، بل وكانوا من أكثر الفئات تعرضاً للإقصاء في غمار تلك الأزمة التي وصفتها الأمم المتحدة بأنها أسوأ أزمة إنسانية في العالم.
المياهتجرفجثث 6 مهاجرينعلىسواحلليبيا.. وضبط 90 آخرين
أعلنت منظمة الهجرة التابعة للأمم المتحدة أن جثث ما لا يقل عن ستة مهاجرين كانوا في طريقهم إلى أوروبا عُثر عليها على ساحل البحر المتوسط في ليبيا، بينما اعترض خفر السواحل الليبي 90 مهاجراً آخرين.
أعلنت وزارة الأمن الداخلي الأمريكية في تطور مفاجئ أنها ستمدد وضع الحماية المؤقتة للمهاجرين من السودان ودول أخرى حتى 4 يناير/كانون الثاني 2021. وشمل القرار الكثير من المهاجرين من السلفادور وهايتي وهندوراس ونيبال ونيكاراغوا. ووفقا لما قالته وزارة الأمن، فقد تم تمديد الوضع بسبب الكوارث أو الصراعات في تلك الدول.
وصفهمبالحيواناتوالغزاة.. ترامبأكثررئيسأميركينشرالكراهيةضدالمهاجرين
يقول الكاتب تيلور أنبندر إن الرئيس دونالد ترامب نشر الكراهية ضد المهاجرين أكثر من أي رئيس أميركي سابق في تاريخ الولايات المتحدة، وإنه هاجمهم وساهم في اضطهادهم ونعتهم بأقذع الصفات.
ترامبيقلصحداللاجئينالجددلأدنىمستوىمنذ 40 عاما
أصدر الرئيس الأمريكي دونالد ترامب قرارا بتقليص الحد الأقصى لعدد اللاجئين الجدد المسموح باستقبالهم في الولايات المتحدة في السنة المالية الجديدة إلى 18 ألف لاجئ.