Environmental Reclamations
Environmental Reclamations in the "Somalias" of Dadaab, Minneapolis, and Mogadishu
9 December 2020 | 4:30pm - 5:30pm
Register for this event by emailing buildingsolidarities@gmail.com
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Environmental Reclamations is part of a series of four dialogues called Building Solidarities: Racial Justice in the Built Environment. This fourth and final dialogue in the series will focus on environmental diasporas and ecological reclamation in the "Somalias" of Dadaab, Minneapolis, and Mogadishu. The event will be recorded for a webcast/podcast by Jadaliyya Environment in Context and Status/الوضع podcast.
Building Solidarities is a form of mutual pedagogy between the campus and the public, through dialogues on urgent questions about constructed environments, urban life, and ecologies. Building Solidarities: Racial Justice in the Built Environment foregrounds the communities of Minneapolis, Nairobi, and New York, in dialogues between students, activists, artists, and academics. While building mutual solidarities between our campus and our partners, we aim to extend the political imaginaries, community futures, and solidarities that our partners may build with each other. As we study racial and environmental complexities and injustices, we remain vigilantly reflexive about the relationship between our campus and our neighbors, in Harlem and elsewhere. The series is supported by the course “Colonial Practices,” taught by Anooradha Iyer Siddiqi. Web/podcasts are hosted by community organizations.