War doesnt necessarily take the shape of missiles and ground troops. The move to cut electricity to the Gaza Strip, directly reducing power to 4 hours/day at most is caused by Fatah dominated PA decision to cease subsidizing electricity. This is an intra Palestinian and Arab issue inflected by regional and global pressures.
1) Fateh is openly collaborating with Israel to legitimate the blockade when it uses basic needs of Palestinians as source of political coercion.
2) Fateh move to cut electricity to Gaza reflects regional shifts and is a bid to diminish Hamas’s power while Qatar is down and pressured to cease support for Hamas as well as the Muslim Brotherhood.
3) This doesnt impact the leaders of Hamas, who will likely continue a lush life abroad in the region, this is a direct attack on the most vulnerable Palestinians trapped in Gaza. The cuts will impacts the assurance of clean water, functioning hospitals, refrigerators with medicine, food quality, access to the world through internet, lighting and circulation in classrooms- and is in effect a direct onslaught on the Palestinian civilians trapped and held hostage as political ransom for the past ten years of blockade.
4) Egypt seems to be part of this effort as it gives Hamas an ultimatum on security of its southern border in exchange for delivering meager electricity supplies: http://www.maannews.com/Content.aspx?id=777633
5) According to Tareq Baconi, Al-Shabaka - الشبكة analyst, this isnt even a Fatah bid to assume control of the Strip. In order to ensure external funding necessary to keep the economy afloat, it needs to disarm armed groups therein and it simply cannot guarantee that. Cutting electricity is merely a short term move to diminish Hamas without a clear end goal. In the meantime, Palestinians pay the price as politicians hold them hostage.
6) This is also about basic economics. Electricity cuts come on heels of a cut of salaries for nearly 55,000 Fatah members based in Gaza two months ago. The Palestinian Authority is dependent on external aid for survival, much like a charity, and has to conform to its donor wishes.
This is plain outrageous and signals greater concessions and collaboration down the pipeline. Diana Buttu said it clearly a few weeks ago, the PA needs to go if we’re ever to get free.