[This is a roundup of news articles, reports, and other materials focusing on (in)security issues and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of Security in Context . The goal is to shed light on knowledge production on security related issues that are of public interest from different perspectives. Entries may include academic journal articles, think tank reports, non-governmental organizations releases, official documents or government commissioned research, and regular news items. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each roundup to admin@securityincontext.com]
Climate Change and Security
French Senate Seeks to weaken constitutional pledge on climate change (May 11 2021)
US focus on climate change meets mixed African reactions (May 11 2021)
Forest the size of France regrown worldwide over 20 years, study finds (May 11 2021)
Biden’s Intelligence Director Vows to Put Climate at ‘Center’ of Foreign Policy (May 10 2021)
US 2030 goals will take world closer to holding global heating below 2C (April 22 2021)
Report: the case for US cooperation with India on a just transition away from coal (April 20 2021)
Security and International Relations
Why China-Taiwan Relations are so Tense (May 10 2021)
Explainer: Bloody Protests in Colombia leave at least 26 dead (May 8 2021)
Myanmar’s Junta brands rival government as terrorist group (May 8 2021)
China orders companies to step up monitoring of foreigners in anti-spying push (April 28 2021)
Migration and Displacement
Bodies of 10 Europe bound migrants wash up in Libya (May 11 2021)
Italy to ask EU to stop migrant departures (May 11 2021)
More than 2000 migrants arrive on Italian island in 24 hours (May 10 2021)
UN: Migrant boat capsized off Libya; 2 dozen presumed dead (May 10 2021)
Sheikh Jarrah highlights the violent brazenness of Israel’s colonialist project (May 10 2021)
Police hold children in ‘dire’ conditions in Ethiopia’s Oromiya- rights commission (May 6 2021)
Immigration Courts aren't Real Courts. Time to Change That (May 8 2021)
Environmental Crises Are Forcing Millions Into Cities. Can Countries Turn Climate Migrants Into an Asset? (April 22 2021)
UN outlines plan to close camps housing 430,000 refugees in Kenya (April 15 2021)
Covid-19, Capitalism & Economy
WHO scientist describes India numbers as ‘very worrying,’ with fatalities undercounted (May 11 2021)
China leads a global economic boom stoked by $20trillion stimulus (May 11 2021)
An International Pandemic Treaty Should Center on Human Rights (May 10 2021)
Covid has forced a neoliberal retreat. But state intervention isn’t always progressive (April 29 2021)
Final ‘Racism in America’ webinar to focus on economic system (April 19 2021)
Technologies of Surveillance/Data Analytics/AI
What could life and media be without surveillance capitalism? (May 11 2021)
Co-opting cybersecurity in Egypt (May 11 2021)
What does the colonial pipeline hack tell us about the security of US infrastructure (May 10 2021)
Amazon must end sale of surveillance tech to the police and federal agents on June 10th (May 10 2021)
The Role Of New Technologies For Infectious Disease Surveillance, Prevention And Control (May 7 2021)
Report: AI strategies and Autonomous Vehicles Development (April 19 2021)
Gender, Race, Ethnicity and Sexuality
Mexican mothers march in capital for disappeared children (May 10 2021)
Poland, Hungary block “gender equality” from EU social summit (May 7 2021)
‘Being trans is not something you put on and take off. It’s part of who you are’ (April 18 2021)
Switzerland to hold referendum on same-sex marriage (April 28 2021)
Arms, Weapons, and Military Industrial Complex
Putin Submits Legislation for Russia to withdraw from Open Skies Treaty (May 11 2021)
The ridiculous amount of money we spend on the US military is actually making our country less safe (May 10 2021)
U.S. Navy shares photos of enormous Arabian Sea weapons seizure (May 10 2021)
The Chickens have Come Home to Roost: Venezuelan Skirmishes on the Border (May 6 2021)
Biden’s Afghan gamble (April 27 2021)
Human Security
UN experts report that Islamic State committed genocide against Yazidis (May 11 2021)
Prosecutor announces no grounds to pursue claims for French role in Rwanda genocide (May 10 2021)
Ethiopian peacekeepers moved to Sufanese refugee camp after seeking asylum (May 10 2021)
Brief: Lessons Learned from a decade of humanitarian operations in Syria (April 22 2021)