The brutal murder by the morality police of Jîna Mahsa Amini, a Kurdish woman from the Saqeez city of Iran, for wearing an “improper” hijab, triggered a woman’s revolt. Global Prison Abolitionist Coalition would like to invite all women to stand in solidarity with the brave protesters in Iran. Amplify their voices by contributing a short video for this action.
Shoot a short video (under 30 seconds) saying why you stand in solidarity and what you will do this week to stand in solidarity.
Script for the video: I am in solidarity with women, Kurds and all the brave people in Iran because……[share why you care about their struggle personally]. To show my solidarity, I will…… [share something you find meaningful personally to support the struggle this week]. (See examples below.)
Notes: Please shoot your video vertically. If you record in a language other than English, please provide the English translation. Send your video to:
Examples for the Script:
I stand in solidarity: Because I’m not free unless all women are free; because they inspire me to rise up against all kinds of oppression; because whether we’re fighting for the right to abortion or we want to let our hair free, the fight is against a common enemy; because whether it‘s is a hijab ban or compulsory hijab, the fight is about women living with dignity and power for women; because as women in (x place) we are also fighting against the state controlling our bodies, etc.