[This infographic was originally published by Visualizing Palestine.]
Imagine if you came home to find your living room filled with cement, your doors soldered shut, or your home reduced to rubble. For Palestinians living in East Jerusalem, this possibility is a daily reality.
685 Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem were demolished between 2004 and 2016, leaving 2,513 people homeless. Many others live under constant threat of homelessness - as of 2014, Israel has declared approximately 20,000 East Jerusalem homes to be illegal and ordered their demolition.* Home demolitions are part of a broader Israeli policy to alter the demographic and geospatial makeup of Jerusalem, privileging Jewish-Israeli settlers over the indigenous Palestinian population.
This visual is part of Visualizing Palestine's "A City for All?" series, which highlights structural inequality and policies of colonization in Jerusalem.
To download the visual, click here.