[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Syria and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Syria Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to syria@jadaliyya.com by Monday night of every week.]
English links
Inside Syria
Al Monitor: Syrians Resort to Ancient Bread-Making Methods in Idlib’s Food Crisis (15 December 2021)
Due to the bread crisis which has made bread prohibitively expensive, Syrians in Hayat Tahrir al-Sham-held Idlib have begun resorting to ancient bread-making methods.
The New Arab: Syria Regime Doubles Price of Water Meters Despite Mounting Poverty (14 December 2021)
Reports indicate that the Syrian regime has more than doubled the price of domestic water such that the cost of a meter is now 52,000 Syrian pounds or $14.75, up from the previous price at 25,000 Syrian pounds or $7.09. Price increases come at a time when much of the country’s population is in poverty.
Doctors Without Borders: Syria: Eleven Children Among Patients Treated Following Airstrikes in Idlib (13 December 2021)
Doctors Without Borders reports that 11 children under the age of 14 were treated following an airstrike in Idlib governorate. Dr. Jihad Ismail, the organization’s medical manager, remarked that it is unusual to see so many children, especially considering that some of the children were under the age of two.
DW: Conflict and Climate Change Drive Water Crisis in Syria (13 December 2021)
Northeastern Syria is currently experiencing its worst drought in 70 years as a result the country’s ongoing conflict and climate change, threatening livelihoods and public health in the region.
Human Rights Watch (HRW): Syria/Russia:12 Civilians Dead in Idlib Artillery Attacks (8 December 2021)
A HRW indicates that the Syrian-Russian military alliance fired 14 large-caliber artillery shells in Ariha in Idlib on 20 October 2021, resulting in the death of 12 civilians and injury of 24 others. As there were no military targets in the areas hit, it is believed that it was an indiscriminate attack.
Regional and International Perspective
Al Monitor: Would-be Syrian Refugees Flown Back from Belarus Despite Visas (14 December 2021)
Approximately 100 Syrians stranded at the Belarus-Poland border flew back to Syria after Belarus maintained it would depart all Syrians who sought to cross into Poland. It is reported that upon arrival Syrian regime intelligence services seized their travel documents, interrogated them, and mandated they return to authorities in a few days for further questioning.
The New Arab: UN Syria Envoy Visits Damascus, See ‘New Openings’ for Political Process (13 December 2021)
After visiting Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mikdad, UN Syria Envoy Geir Pedersen announced that he saw “possibilities of new openings” for a political process in Syria.
Washington Post: Israeli Airstrikes in Syria Targeted Chemical Weapons Facilities, Officials Say (13 December 2021)
According to uncited current and former US and western intelligence and security officials, the 8 June Israeli strikes in Syria were part of a campaign to halt what was believed to be an attempt by the Syrian regime to restart its production of deadly nerve agents. Concern initially arose among Israeli intelligence agencies two years ago after Syria successfully imported a key chemical needed to make deadly sarin nerve agent, following which Israeli intelligence agencies noted activity at multiple sites that suggested Syria was rebuilding its chemical weapons capabilities.
Al Jazeera: US-backed SDF Forces Carry out Deadly Operation in Eastern Syria (13 December 2021)
According to Kurdish forces, Kurdish special forces backed by the US carried out an operation in Deir Az Zor province, killing five suspected fighters from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
Al Monitor: Russian Movie Praises Moscow’s War Efforts in Syria (12 December 2021)
A new Russian movie, “Sky,” that praises Russia’s war effort and traces the story of a Russian pilot Lieut Col. Oleg Anatolyevich, was broadcasted in a theater in Aleppo. The film is the latest in Russia’s efforts to portray its mission in Syria as heroic.
New York Times: Civilian Deaths Mounted as Secret Unit Pounded ISIS (12 December 2021)
A top-secret American strike cell launched tens of thousands of attacks against ISIS, sidestepping safeguards and killing civilians.
Newlines Magazine: Why I stopped Writing About Syria (3 December 2021)
Syrian journalist Asser Khattab discusses his decision to stop writing about Syria, sparking conversation about how international media outlets treat local reporters. A Newlines podcast featuring an interview with Khattab can also be listened to here.
Art and Culture
Syria Untold: Fares Helou: Resistance Through Art (16 December 2021)
Syria Untold interviews Fares Helou, one of Syria’s most famous cinematic figures about his thoughts on art and resistance.
The Middle East Institute and Operations & Policy Center: Three Signs of Impending Famine in Syria Absent Immediate Action (10 December 2021)
Three main factors are driving an impending famine in Syria if action is not taken: 1) the severity of the current drought; 2) unprecedented food insecurity; 3) declining humanitarian aid funding.
OCHA: Situation Report #33: Recent Developments in Northwest Syria and RAATA (November 2021)
A new humanitarian report from OCHA highlights developments in Northwest Syria and RAATA during the month of November: daily artillery shelling continued, with some instances occurring in the vicinity of civilian areas and displacement settlements, airstrikes and shelling killed 12 civilians and injured 31, 14,455 new displaced people have been recorded of which 59 percent have been displaced four times prior, and the Al-Dwisat Dam in west Idlib dried out for the first time in three decades.
Arabic links
عنب بلدي: ريف إدلب.. احتجاجات ضد سياسة “تحرير الشام” تطالب بالإفراج عن المعتقلين (١٧ ديسمبر ٢٠٢١)
"شهدت قرية دير حسان في ريف إدلب الشمالي، وقفة احتجاجية لعشرات من المتظاهرين، ضد “الاعتقالات التعسفية” التي تمارسها “هيئة تحرير الشام”، يوم الخميس، 16 من كانون الأول."
عنب بلدي: 162 ألف رأس غنم وبقر مهددة جراء الجفاف ونقص الأعلاف برأس العين (١٧ ديسمبر ٢٠٢١)
"يعاني مربو المواشي في منطقة رأس العين شمال غربي الحسكة، من نقص حاد بمستلزمات مواشيهم مثل التبن والأعلاف، في ظل ندرة المراعي جراء الجفاف في المنطقة عمومًا."
العربي الجديد: النظام السوري يدرس تشديد العقوبات على "جرائم النشر" في مواقع التواصل (١٧ ديسمبر ٢٠٢١)
"يدرس النظام السوري تشديد العقوبات على "جرائم النشر" في وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي، لتصل إلى السجن لسنوات عدة وغرامات باهظة، في خطوة فسرها حقوقيون بأنها تضييق جديد على الحريات العامة، في وقت تعيش البلاد أسوأ أزمة اقتصادية ومعيشية، وتكثر الانتقادات لسياسات الحكومة والأوضاع العامة المتردية."
حكاية ما انحكت: قصة مرسومة: هذا ما فعله كوررونا...(١٧ ديسمبر ٢٠٢١)
"حكاية مرسومة قام بتصميمها رامي خوري، محرّر الوسائط المتعددة والفيديو وتحرير الصور والصوت في موقع حكاية ما انحكت، بناء على حكاية كتبتها الصحفية سيماف حسن، ونُشرت سابقًا تحت عنوان"هذا ما فعله كورونا."
العربي الجديد: حكومة الأسد ترفع أسعار أكثر من 12 ألف دواء رغم نفاد أصناف من السوق (١٦ ديسمبر ٢٠٢١)
"مع تراجع إنتاج معامل الأدوية بعد توقف تمويل مستوردات مدخلات الإنتاج، وبعد نفاد أصناف من الأدوية في السوق السورية، رفعت مديرية الشؤون الصيدلانية بوزارة الصحة بحكومة بشار الأسد، اليوم الخميس، أسعار 12758 صنفاً دوائياً بنسبة تقارب بين 30 و50%، وذلك "عطفاً على صدور قرار اللجنة الفنية العليا للدواء في جلستها رقم 3127 المنعقدة بتاريخ 9/12/2021"، بحسب ما أعلنت المديرية على صفحتها على موقع "فيس بوك."
حكاية ما انحكت: فارس الحلو: أحلامي هي مشاريعي (١٤ ديسمبر ٢٠٢١)
"في حوار مع حكاية ما انحكت، يحكي الممثل السوري الشهير فارس الحلو عن الفن والتمثيل وعن نشاطاته الحقوقيّة والثقافيّة ولا سيما تأسيسه لمنظمة ناجون في فرنسا، ويحكي عن حياته في فرنسا والتي يسميها "المنجى وليست المنفى" ، كما يتطرق إلى الحديث عن ذاكرته وعن مشاريعه الثقافية قبل اندلاع الثورة السوريّة في العام 2011."
عنب بلدي: إلى خمس ليرات تركية.. رفع سعر ووزن ربطة الخبز في إدلب (١٢ ديسمبر ٢٠٢١)
"رفعت مديرية الأفران التابعة لحكومة “الإنقاذ” في إدلب شمال غربي سوريا، سعر ربطة الخبز في الأفران غير المدعومة من قبلها إلى خمس ليرات تركية."