[This is a selection of what you might have missed on Jadaliyya during the month of May 2017. It also includes the most recent roundups, editors picks, and most-read articles. Progressively, we will be featuring more content on our Monthly Edition series.]
Most Read
Misreading Qazvin in Washington: On the Protests in Iran
اقتصاد الشهوات في الرأسمالية المتأخرة: قراءة في السّياق الأمريكيّ والفلسطينيّ
Can the Subaltern Finally Speak?
حين تحوّل جسد "حارسة البقاء الفلسطيني" إلى رمزٍ للاختراق الاستعماري الإسرائيلي
The Best in Art 2017 (U.S. Edition)
أدلجة العنف الجنسي والجندري في الدوائر "التقدمية" في فلسطين
Follow the Script: The Spectacle of Hariri’s Resignation
يولّا وأخواته": قراءة نقديّة في سيرورة الجسد والمدينة"
Waguih Ghali’s Diaries: Political Ethics, Personal Aesthetics
الخط الساخن للجنسانية: مقابلة لمجلة الوضع مع مشروع الألِف
ملف خاص: السياسات الجنسية ضمن السياق الاستعماري في فلسطين
يوتوبيا "اختلاف حيفا" ومحاولة ترويض الجسد الفلسطيني
Essential Readings: The Syrian Uprising (by Raymond Hinnebusch)
Other Jerusalem Realities: The “City of Prayer” in Palestinian Nationalist Imaginaries
Follow the Script: The Spectacle of Hariri’s Resignation
Editor's Picks
Alia Malek, The Home That Was Our Country: A Memoir of Syria - A Review
Misreading Qazvin in Washington: On the Protests in Iran
The Detention of Palestinian Children and Its Impact on Their Education and Development
In the Service of Empire: An Indian Muslim’s Journey to Mecca in 1920
Essential Readings: The Syrian Uprising (by Raymond Hinnebusch)
Arabian Peninsula Media Roundup (27 December 2017)
Egypt Media Roundup (December 25)
Arabian Peninsula Media Roundup (20 December 2017)
Egypt Media Roundup (December 18)
Arabian Peninsula Media Roundup (13 December 2017)
Syria Media Roundup (Dec 1-13)
Egypt Media Roundup (December 11)
Cities Media Roundup (November 2017)
DARS Media Roundup (November 2017)
Arabian Peninsula Media Roundup (06 December 2017)
Maghreb Media Roundup (December 5)
Extensive Syria Media Roundup (Nov 1-30)