Syria has been less and less in the news, but by no means is this a reflection of developments on the ground. In an effort to keep our readers/listeners/viewers engaged with Syria’s current moment and significant developments, we bring you this curation of knowledge production on Syria, published recently by various ASI platforms. Educators, researchers, and knowledge seekers in general may find these materials productive for their purposes.
The centerpiece element of this collection is a relatively recent article published by Jadaliyya’s Syria Page Co-Editors in an effort to bring our readers up to speed as to the major developments there. Featured below, Engaging Syria Today is a good entry point for the rest of the material herein. Another element is the very hot of the press live video Roundtable on “Twenty Years After Bashar Al-Asad Succession,” in which mostly the same editors above address matters of transition, policies, institutions, and protests that animated the first two decades of Bashar’s rule, ending with the calamity that has befallen Syria since 2011.
A significant report debut that Jadaliyya had the honor to broadcast deals with “Justice to Transcend Conflict,” a comprehensive fieldwork-based study that provides crucial data on various aspects of Syria’s current history. It is available to watch below in full, with links to the actual report.
We hope you enjoy this collection and look forward to more curations in the future.
Syria Page Co-Editors.
- Engaging Syria Today
- إعادة تسليط الضوء على سوريا
- The Reordering of the Syrian Political Economy
- The Reordering of Power Relations and the Syrian Political Economy
- Roundtable Conversation Twenty Years After Bashar Al-Asad’s Succession
- Commonsense on Syria Session 7 with Tima Kurdi and Syria Page Co-Editor Omar Dahi
- Conflict Economies in Syria: Roots, Dynamics, and Pathways for Change. Bassam Haddad Interviews Omar Dahi and Rabie Nasser
- Samer Abboud Examines the Politics of Exclusion
- Launching of Justice to Transcend Conflict Report (Webinar)
- "The 'Post-Uprisings' Arab World: New Challenges, Old bottles, Muddied Vision"