[This is a selection of what you might have missed on Jadaliyya last week. It also includes a list of the most read articles and roundups. Progressively, we will be featuring more content on our "Last Week on Jadaliyya" series.]
- Musaddiq’s Spectre: On the Recent Declassification of US Documents
- Al-Shabbi`s "The Will to Life"
- الاغتيال والاختطاف في العراق: حقل التحريض المتسع
- خمس قصص قصيرة للكاتب الإسباني خوان خوسية مياس
- Fear and Loathing in Turkish Academia: A Tale of Appeasement and Complicity
- Statement of Condemnation and Clarification by the Socialist Forum in Lebanon
- New Texts Out Now: Sheila Carapico, ed., Arabia Incognita: Dispatches from Yemen and the Gulf
- قصائد للشاعر الايطالي بييرو جاهير
- Destruction and Construction, Resistance and Solidarity: Diyarbakir/Surici Observations Part II
- الكتب: نص للأديب جوزف كونراد
- Palestine Media Roundup (July 22)
- تقرير: خمسون عاماً على احتلال القدس الشرقية: سياسات القضم والإبعاد والتهويد تتواصل
- New Texts Out Now: Sheila Carapico, ed., Arabia Incognita: Dispatches from Yemen and the Gulf
- Destruction and Construction, Resistance and Solidarity: Diyarbakir/Surici Observations Part II
- Maghreb Media Roundup (July 20)
- Syria Media Roundup (July 19)
- The Referendum in Turkey-A STATUS/الوضع Interview with Sinan Birdal
- Critical Currents in Islam Media Roundup (July 3-July 16)
- Fear and Loathing in Turkish Academia: A Tale of Appeasement and Complicity
- Egypt Media Roundup (July 17)
- Musaddiq’s Spectre: On the Recent Declassification of US Documents
- Last Week on Jadaliyya (July 10-16)