[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Turkey and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Turkey Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to turkey@jadaliyya.com.]
The Point on Turkey’s Syrian Operation
Kurdish Fighters Leave Syrian Border Town, Giving Turkey Control. On Sunday, Kurdish fighters have left the area of Ras al-Ayn, in accordance with a deal brokered between the US and Turkey.
The Cease-Fire in Syria Worked (More or Less). Despite accusations, the deal between the two parties ‘more or less worked,’ argues Kathy Gilsinan on The Atlantic.
Turkey and Russia Agree Deal over Buffer Zone in Northern Syria. The leaders of the two countries emerged from a six-hour meeting in Sochi with an agreement for the establishment of a safe zone in northern Syria.
Turkey Halts Syrian Incursion, Hours After Deal with Russia. Immediately after a deal was reached in Sochi, Turkey has halted the military operation in Syria.
Syrian Kurds Accuse Turkey of Violating Ceasefire. Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have accused Turkey and its allies of continuing military operations, despite the truce.
A post-mortem of Turkey’s Operation Peace Spring. Metin Gurcan weighed gains and losses of Operation Peace Spring.
Time for the PKK and its sponsors to admit defeat. According to Burhanettin Duran, “Turkey's accomplishments on the ground are strategically significant. Ankara just eliminated a threat that the great powers have used against Turkish interests for decades.”
A Safe Zone in Northern Syria
Turkey’s Syria Offensive Sees Thousands More Civilians Displaced. Turkey’s plan to repatriate Syrian refugees to a safe zone in northern Syria might lead to a ‘humanitarian disaster,’ observers warn.
Turkey: Syrians Illegally Deported into War ahead of Anticipated ‘Safe Zone.’ According to a new report published by Amnesty International, Turkey forcibly deported refugees to Syria in the months leading up to the military operation.
On the Turkish Side of the Border
Turkey’s Border Towns Pay Deadly Price for Erdogan’s Syria Incursion. The operation against the Kurdish militia has led to at least 20 deaths in Turkey’s southeastern region.
'We've Been Neutral for Years': Dilemma of Syrian Kurds in Turkey. Nusaybin currently hosts 350 Syrian-Kurdish refugee families, caught in the crossfire.
Erdogan's Captive Audience. Most Turkish citizens approve of the military operation in Syria and are frustrated at the reactions in the Western and Arab world.
Syrians in Turkey Hit Back at Harmful Stereotypes. Over 80 percent of Turks want to send Syrians back home. Meanwhile, the refugees have to cope with stereotypes and criticism on their lifestyle.
Erdogan Wanted War in Syria to Bring Stability to Turkey – it May Bring Instability to Both. In the long term, says journalist Bourzou Daraghi, the ongoing war will bring less, not more security on both sides of the Syrian-Turkish border.
The Operation and its International Consequences
Iran Rejects Turkey's Establishing of Military Posts in Syria. Iranian FM Mousavi has voiced his opposition to Turkey “establishing a military post in Syria,” and asked respect for the integrity of the country, an ally of Iran.
Calling Erdogan a 'Thief', Syria's Assad Tours Idlib Frontline near Rebels. President Assad has vowed to retake all the areas lost to Damascus and condemned Turkey’s operation in the northeast.
Will Adana Accord Take Erdogan to Damascus? Russia, writes Fehim Taştekin, wants to get Turkey on board with its plans for the future of Syria. But is an accord reached in the 1990s enough?
Does Trump Understand how Grossly he Just Insulted the President of Turkey? Former editor in chief of Cumhuriyet Can Dundar registers in an op-ed for the Washington Post the reactions to Trump’s letter. He also reminds the public of another such letter, which changed drastically the relations between the US and Turkey in the 1960s.
Is US Redesigning Southern Flank? Increasing military cooperation between the US and Greece, a country historically at odds with Turkey on a number of issues, might signal a wider shift in regional geostrategic balances.
Congress Calls on US to Scout Nuclear Alternatives to Turkey Base. The US Congress is evaluating alternatives to the Turkish base of Incirlik. Nuclear weapons and troops might be relocated.
Trump Says U.S. Will Lift Sanctions on Turkey, Calling Cease-fire in Syria ‘Permanent.’ President Trump has announced that the sanctions on Turkey will be lifted because a cease-fire has been effectively reached.
Congress Doubles Down on Bipartisan Turkey Sanctions after Trump’s Victory Lap. Sanctions to Turkey might still come from the US Congress, which is willing to press ahead even after Trump’s announcement.
Domestic Issues
CHP Leader Criticizes Replacement of HDP Mayors with Trustees. The leader of the opposition party CHP, credited by analysts as owing part of its success in the municipal election in Istanbul also to Kurdish votes, criticized the government’s move to replace the mayors with trustees.
Turkish Opposition’s Complicity on Clear Display over Syria Incursion. Removed from his position as Diyarbakır major for alleged terror links, Adnan Selçuk Mızraklı writes on Ahval, “The truly saddening aspect of this period is that the democratic bloc that began to form with great sacrifice before the local elections has remained silent.”
Turkey’s Republic Day
When it Comes to Republic Day, Turks Can’t Agree on What or How to Celebrate. “Turks have a long road ahead before they feel like a truly united nation that shares similar ideals and prospects for future,” writes Nevşin Mengü.
The House Vote on the Armenian Genocide
A Belated Recognition of Genocide by the House. Former US permanent representative to the UN Samantha Power contends that the decision to recognize the Armenian genocide passed by the House was overdue. The Syrian operation, she adds, “simply reduced the impact of Turkish blackmail.”
House votes widen U.S.-Turkey crack. According to Murat Yetkin, “some of the cracks in the Turkey-U.S. relations are growing and getting more difficult to repair.” What is needed, says the former editor-in-chief of Hurriyet Daily News,is to resort to dialogue and diplomacy.
The Point on Turkey’s Syrian Operation
Operasyon AKP’yi Kurtarır mı? Örsan K. Öymen contends that it is too early to declare the Turkish operation in Syria a success or a failure. To determine this, he argues, we will have to wait and see if the PKK attacks on Turkish soil will decrease in the future.
A Safe Zone in Northern Syria
Barış Pınarı Harekâtı: Sınırdaki Suriyeli Mülteciler 'Güvenli Bölgeye' Nasıl Bakıyor?. BBC Türkçe reached the Turkish border towns of Akçakale and Kilis, to inquire with Syrians living in the area on their feelings regarding the possibility to ‘go back home.’
Türkiye'deki Suriyeli Sığınmacıların Sayısı 3 Ayda 25 Bin Arttı. Data made public by the General Directorate of Migration highlight an increase in the number of Syrian asylum-seekers in Turkey. The total is not now reported at 3 million 674 thousand asylum seekers.
The Operation and its International Consequences
Soçi, Şam ve Ankara’yı Yakınlaştırır mı? Turkey and Russia agreed on a deal over a buffer zone in Syria. What is needed now, argues Zeynel Lüle, is for Syria and Turkey to move towards a rapprochement.
Şam ile Normalleşme Yönündeki İvme Hız Kazanıyor. According to Sedat Ergin, there are signs that could signal the intention to move towards a normalization of the relationship with Syria.
The Opposition and the Military Operation
3 İlde Eğitime 5 Gün Ara Verildi. In the districts of Şanlıurfa, Mardin, and Şırnak bordering Syria, schools have been closed for five days, from October 21 to October 25, due to the ongoing operation.
Tunceli’de 30 Gün Eylem Yasağı. A 30 days ban on demonstrations has been decided for the Kurdish-majority province of Tunceli, in Eastern Turkey.
Batı Talep Ediyor Aslı Arz Ediyor. Prominent columnist Ahmet Hakan strongly criticized writer Aslı Erdoğan, who has spoken against the military operation in Syria to an Italian newspaper, accusing her of “providing what the West wants to hear.”
Kaftancıoğlu: İktidar için Yol Haritası Çizilecek. The Istanbul provincial chairman of the CHP, the main opposition party, criticized the government for its crackdown on dissent over the military offensive in Syria.
CHP’ye Mektubumuzdur! “It is time to demand a real opposition from the CHP,” contends writer Oya Baydar in her column on T24, sharing with the public a letter addressed to the party leadership.
ISIS and Turkey’s Views on Terrorism
Call out to BBC from a Turkish Journalist. In the aftermath of the raid, Fatih Çekirge strongly criticized international media for their alleged coverage of ties between Turkey and ISIS.
Bağdadi Öldürüldü Sırada Kim Var? Now that Al-Baghdadi is dead, asks Abdulkadir Selvi, “which US-made organization will appear” to replace ISIS.
Terörle Mücadele Ederken... Hande Fırat reminds in her column that Turkey does not perceive the death of al-Baghdadi as the end of the fight against terrorism. “The fight against terrorism should be pursued by all countries with the same determination and against every organization,” she contends.
Turkey’s Republic Day
Atatürk’le Erdoğan’ı eşit gibi göstermek büyük saygısızlık. “Some dream of making Turkey into an Arab country,” writes Can Ataklı on Republic Day. Yet, he contends, “it is not easy to extirpate the people’s love for the Republic and Ataturk.”
Yoksa ben Cumhuriyet erkeği değil miyim? “In the anniversary of the republic, some wave the flag to scare fellow citizens. Am I not a man of the republic?” writes Melih Altınok.
Zorunlu Cumhuriyetten Zor Cumhuriyetine. According to Hüseyin Şengül, “the anniversary of the Republic must be celebrated, but in fact today we should discuss ‘how to democratize the republic’.”
Domestic Issues
Yeni Parti Hazırlığındaki Davutoğlu: Türk’ü de Kürt’ü de Kucaklayacağız. Former FM and prime minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, who is busy in preparation for a new party, wish to speak to Turkish and Kurdish citizens alike.
Ankara’da HDP’lilere Polis Müdahalesi. Police intervened in Ankara, where the opposition pro-Kurdish HDP party was preparing a pro-democracy meeting.
HDP’den Kayyum Protestosu: Üç Gün Boyunca Meclis Çalışmalarına Katılmayacağız. As a form of protest against the appointment of trustees to four municipalities run by the HDP, the pro-Kurdish party announced on Tuesday a three-day boycott of the Assembly.
Emre İper Hakkında Tahliye Kararı. Emre İper, the last journalist working for the opposition mainstream newspaper Cumhuriyet still in jail, will be released.