The Environment Page editors offer as a resource a compilation of articles and podcasts on issues of the environment and environmental justice in Palestine published by Jadaliyya over the past three years. For educators seeking tools to teach on Palestine, the Essential Readings: Land, Water, and the Environment in Israeli Occupied Palestinian Territories compiled by Sophia Stamatapoulou-Robbins provides a list of articles published elsewhere. These texts complement the original writings and research published below.
Until freedom,
Jadaliyya Environment Page Editors
Keynote with Munira Khayyat: NEW perspectives on environment, capitalism, and politics
Topography of Gaza: Contouring Indigenous Urbanism
Makaneyyat: An Open and Ingrained Method for Landscape Study
Climate and Commensuration in Palestine
How I Learned to Start Thinking Like an Engineer: Lessons from Palestine
In the Shadow of the Mountains: The Jordan Valley and Israel/Palestine's Marginalized East
Forum on Biospheres of War: A Discussion on the Rights of Future Generations
Podcast Episodes:
Environment in Context: Green Energy Colonialism in the Occupied Syrian Golan Heights
Climate Change and Water Rights in Palestine with Muna Dajani
Arabic Essays: